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The lodge is located at Chase Golf Club, Pottal Pool Road, Huntington, Penkridge ST19 5RN

From The South

Take M6 north to Junction 12, take the A5 towards Telford. At the 1st roundabout turn right onto the A449 towards Stafford. After 1½ miles take a right turn onto the B5012 towards Cannock by a Texaco garage. Continue to the 2nd roundabout and turn right (still B5012 – Cannock). You will pass a school on the right (Wolgarston), approximately half a mile along, on the bend, turn left into Pottal Pool Road. The club is situated 1½ miles along on the right with a brick entrance.


From The North

 Take M6 south to Junction 13, take A449 Wolverhampton, go through Penkridge and turn left onto B5012 (immediately before the Texaco garage). Follow directions as above.


From The A34 Cannock/Stafford, turn at island sign posted Penkridge/Rugeley towards Penkridge. The Golf Club is situated ¾ mile along on the left.

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