Worshipful Master - W. Bro. P. Hill P.Pr.A.G.D.C
Immediate Past Master - W. Bro. J. Derry, PR. G. Almr
Senior Warden - W. Bro. A. Watson P.Pr.A.G.DC.
Junior Warden - Bro. V Verma
Chaplain - W. Bro. G. L. Turner P.Pr.J.G.W
Treasurer - W. Bro. P.J. Brown P.Pr.J.G.D.
Secretary - W. Bro. T. E. Whitchurch P.Pr.J.G.D
D.C W. - Bro. R.P.Jennings P.Pr.S.G.W.
Almoner - W. Bro.K Palmer P.Pr.G.Supt.Wks
Charity Steward - W. Bro.K.Palmer P.Pr.G.Supt Wks
Mentor Co-Ordinator - W. Bro M.Skillen P.Pr.G.Supt.Wks
Senior Deacon - Bro. J.Derry. Prov.J.G.W
Junior Deacon - W. Bro. M. R. Skillen P.Pr.G.Reg
Asst.D.C. - W. Bro. B.W.J.Clewley
Organist - To be appointed each meeting
Asst Secretary - W. Bro. J.Derry. Prov.J.G.W
Inner Guard - Bro. M. S. Wigley
Steward - Bro. P. A.Whitchurch
Tyler - To be appointed each meeting